Welcome from Our Head of School
Woodlands School
Welcome to Woodlands High School in Cardiff!
Croeso i Ysgol Uwchradd Woodlands yng Nghaerdydd!
Croseo! Welcome to our school website. Our school is a special school in Cardiff that caters for pupils aged 11-19 with moderate and severe learning difficulties and ASD. We are part of the Western Learning Federation alongside Riverbank Primary and Ty Gwyn Special School.
Our school is a happy school, where we provide a curriculum to meet the needs of all our pupils. This website will allow you to have a ‘flavour’ of what a typical day is like at Woodlands and through browsing will hopefully answer some of your questions. You will see the breadth of rich experiences enjoyed by our pupils every day and the success that they achieved which we are really proud of at Woodlands School as well as our work towards becoming a School of Sanctuary.
We recognise the individual needs of all our children and through our committed and experienced staff, will work in partnership with you so that we can develop each child’s potential.
We have an open door policy at Woodlands School. Please feel free to make an appointment to see me or any of my staff, our doors are always open.
I hope you enjoy being part of our school family and in time I hope to meet all of you at Woodlands if I haven’t already done so.
Mrs S Thomas
Head of School